International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 62-65
Histological Structure of the Liver and Its Role in Complex Functions
Tuychiyeva Dilfuza Sidikjanovna, Hoshimjonova Gulinur Nodirbek qizi, Numonjonov Mukhiddin Gulomjon ugli, Foziljonov Shukrullo Fayzullo ugli

This article provides information on the histological structure of liver cells, their classification, morpho-physiological, anatomical and topographic characteristics, as well as the function of certain liver cells in the body and their interrelationships. The article begins with a description of the digestive system and the role of the liver in it, the topography and functional relationship of its location with the digestive organs. Subsequent data provide a comprehensive understanding of liver cells, their quantitative and qualitative indicators, complex physiological function, as well as liver-related diseases and their causes, as well as the first preventive measures in their treatment.