International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 137-139
Modern and New Technologies in Copper Production
Xolov Orif Tolibovich, Xamdamova Lola Olimjon kizi, Gayratova Gulzoda San'at kizi

Metallurgy is the basic branch of industry in Uzbekistan and other countries. Metallurgy, to some extent, determines the development of the country's economy. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals account for 95% of the volume of construction materials used in industry, and their production consumes about 10-14% of the fuel used in the country, 20-24% of electricity, and 40% of raw materials and mineral resources. Archaeological evidence suggests that the origins of metallurgy date back to antiquity, for example in the southwestern part of Asia Minor, where copper smelting took place between 7,000 and 6,000 BC. About that time, the native metals of mankind: gold, silver, copper, and meteorite iron were known. In later times, as humans learned to mine and process ore, ore processing technologies emerged. Previously, metal products were made by cold processing of metals. Copper and iron are limited in their use because of the difficulty of cold processing. After the invention of the heat treatment of metals, copper products began to spread. The smelting of copper from oxidized ores and the extraction of ingots from it (5 - 4 thousand years BC) led to an increase in copper production.