International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 148-165
Prospects Potency in Policies of Detention on Storm Water Management (An overview of Kasese District of Western Region, Uganda)

Basically, urban storm-water runoff is considered a nuisance that needs to be ridded of immediately. Urbanization creates impervious surfaces leading to increase of runoff from rainfall and cities have to grapple with flood as the cities develop with time. Absolutely, urban activities generate a great numerous pollutants that are washed off during storm-water runoff leading to water quality degradation of the receiving bodies of water. Prospects potency in policies of detention on storm-water best management practices (BMP) are structural and non structural measures or controls that are used to manage the quantity and/or improve the quality of storm-water runoff in the most cost effective manner. Structural measures includes: wetlands, swales, sand filters, porous pavements, dry wells, retention and detention basins. Prospects potency in policies of detention on storm-water best management practices (BMP) on non structural measures include: land use planning, flood plain management, street sweeping, household waste recycling, erosion control at construction sites and public awareness. The paper concluded by advocating the use of these techniques to polity makers, in developing countries, due to their numerous advantages such as flood control, pollutants removal, soil conservation etc. Engineers and technologist have to play a key role in the proper design, construction and maintenance of these systems that are to be environmentally friendly for the community.