International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 166-168
The Level of Human Capital in Architectural Development
Oktamov Shohrukh Ulugbek ugli and Khamdamova Lola Olimjon kizi

Due to the social acceptability of buildings, the periodicity of construction, geological and demographic location is often carried out in centralized areas. There are developed and developing countries in the world, as well as regions with convenient locations and sufficient conditions for the development of various industries. But in a region with unfavorable demographic areas and no development sector, the development of tourism and the construction of buildings that will help the country grow will play an important role in the development phase. The demographic structure of the countries of the world does not repeat each other, but also differs in terms of area. If we take into account how much of the total land area (excluding water level) of large and small buildings occupies the total area, it shows that the undeveloped land area, desert areas are significant.