International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 169-180
Development of Predictive Equation for Evaporation in Crude Oil Spill on Non - Navigable River
Uche, Chikadibia K.A. and Amgbara, Tamunokuro O.

Oil spill into rivers and reservoirs is of great concern as the contamination of water bodies has a devastating and obnoxious effect on marine ecology and local water supply systems. Evaporation causes a very significant mass loss in many kinds of oil and is significant for attempts at resource recovery. The objective of this study is to develop predictive equation for the evaporation of crude oil spill on non-navigable rivers. The equation was developed using dimension analysis. The spilled oil parameters used in the analysis were: oil molecular weight and oil vapour pressure. The coefficient used in the analysis is: evaporation mass transfer coefficient. These parameters were obtained from standards published in journal papers in the field of oil spill modeling. Other parameters used were: the universal gas constant, ambient temperature (oil surface temperature), the volume of oil spilled and time elapsed. The developed equation was validated against a reference mass loss equation for evaporation using the coefficient of determination R2 and percentage deviation. The equation predicted an evaporation loss of 47 percent of initial spill mass 24 hours after a spill. The developed predictive equation had R2 value of 0.99, which indicates a good fit of the equation. In addition, percentage deviation values of -1.702 between the predictive equation and reference equation indicate a good agreement between the two equations. The predictive equation will be useful in contingency planning, training, spill response and long - term damage assessment of oil spills in non-navigable rivers.