International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 195-198
The Representation of Principle of Politeness at Syntactical Level
Gaybullayeva Dildora Fayzulla qizi

As it is known, in daily life a person unconsciously communicates with others in many ways such as language, gestures and expressions. In the process of speech, he/she has to give or share information with others. In order to make an interesting conversation comprehended by both the speaker and the hearer, there must be the strict structure, in other politer way, general principle of language use, which is called the cooperative principle. The principle indicates that the speaker contributes his active role in the conversation in which the speaker is busy with. In study of pragmatics, Leech will be in favor of the study by means of conversational principles of the kind illustrated by H.P.Grice's cooperative principle and he wants to introduce into pragmatics not only cooperative principle, but other principles, such as a politeness principle including six maxims: tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement, sympathy. This article is devoted to the deeper analysis of the very maxims of politeness principle and the prior attention is paid to the usage of principles politeness in syntactical level of linguistic area.