International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 53-57
Comparative Modeling with Dynamic Viscosities of Pure and Crude Biodiesel Glycerol at Room Temperature using distilled Water as Modifier
Olabimtan Olabode H, Ozogu Agbe.N, Dominic Jauro, Gambo Hassan. M, Muhammad Haliru .I, Adam Awana .L

In material science, fluid flow plays a major role as most of the processes are dependent on the use of viscous fluids as reagents and heat transfer media or raw materials. Diverse system processes with mass transfer rates, heat transfer rates and chemical processes within two components hinge on the system's fluid dynamics phenomena. Consequently, understanding the rate phenomena in processing systems is very essential for analyzing the movement of fluids at certain conditions. Glycerol is technically adopted in most scientific applications due to its inexpensive and non-toxic biological nature. In experimental studies, aqueous glycerol solution is generally employed as its density can be altered and controlled by altering the amount of glycerol in the solution. The solutions densities of aqueous glycerol has been adequately recorded in web-based models under normal conditions. A predictive approach with distilled water from 0 to 10 liters and pure /crude biodiesel glycerol of 10 to 0 liters were proposed at 25oC (the room temperature). Meanwhile, it is expected to be applicable at higher magnitude levels with the two fluids. Eventually, two theoretical models [y= -x+10; R2=1]: where y denotes the distilled water fraction and x, the pure / crude glycerol fraction & [y= -1.364In(x) +16.001; R2=0.9606 ]where y is the fraction of the distilled water and x, the dynamic viscosity of the pure/crude solution] were generated with the accurate computations of the fractions, densities and dynamic viscosities of pure/crude glycerol in solution at the specified ambient temperature.