International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 48-54
Implications of Large Size and Difficult Terrain of Sudan on the United Nations Security Council Humanitarian Intervention in Sudan (2003 - 2018)
Saturday Brendan Umanah and Professor Mike C. Oddih

The study focused on implications of large size and difficult terrain of Sudan on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) humanitarian intervention in Sudan. The main objective of this study was to critically examine the extent to which the large size and difficult terrain of Sudan had undermined the success of the UNSC humanitarian intervention in Sudan. To achieve this objective, the researcher consulted relevant textbooks, journals, newspapers and magazines. Data were also collated from internet facilities and video clips from the scene of the crisis while key informant interviews were also conducted with some retired and serving military personnel who had served in the UNSC humanitarian intervention in Sudan. Relevant literature to this study were reviewed while the Illegal International Legal Reform (IILR) theory was adopted as an appropriate theoretical framework for the research. Based on the qualitative nature of the research, data collated were presented and analysed through textual presentation and analysis. The study established amongst other variables that the large landmass of 1,886,068 square meters and peculiar difficult terrain of Sudan occasioned by mountains, swamps, hills, valleys, sand dunes and deserts coupled with a geometrical increase in the population of Sudan undermined the success of the UN Security Council humanitarian intervention in Sudan. To overcome these challenges, it is recommended that, the UNSC should incorporate into its transport system, alternative means of transport like beasts of burden to enable humanitarian workers gain access to crisis affected areas with difficult terrain while more humanitarian workers should be engaged to cover the vast landmass of Sudan.