International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 102-108
Efficiency of the Technology of Propagation of Cherries Under Conditions of in Vitro
Rustamova Iroda Baxramjanovna, Ashurmetova Nigora Azatbekovna, Abduramanova Salomat Khudaybergenovna, Galimova Firyuza Rafikovna

The article substantiates the relevance of the method of microclonal propagation and cultivation of plants in vitro as a cost-effective technology for the production of planting material, which allows producing a sufficient number of plants for scientific and industrial purposes. In order to establish the effectiveness of the new generation of growth stimulators previously not used in in vitro culture, to compare them with the standard substances used in clonal micropropagation, an economic assessment was made of the effectiveness of the technology for propagating promising stocks of cherry in intensive conditions in vitro, developed in the laboratory "In vitro and biotechnology "Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking named after Academician Mahmud Mirzaev. An economic assessment of the technology for the propagation of promising sweet rootstock in vitro in intensive conditions included the selection of an object for introducing innovations, a description of the technology, costing, and the determination of economic evaluation indicators. The methods used were based on a systematic approach and universally recognized proven methods used in scientific research for fruit crops. The results of experimental studies were processed using the program "BorlandC ++ Bulder6" and the electronic program "O`ITS" developed by the project participants to carry out calculations to assess the economic efficiency of innovative technologies used in agriculture. To determine the economic assessment of innovative technology, a methodology was developed that included economic indicators such as a resource conservation coefficient, a gross innovation growth rate, and a technology innovation degree. Based on the studies, it was discussed that the microclonal method of vegetative propagation of cherries has established itself as highly effective and economically viable.