International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 109-114
Implementation as a Determinant of the Effectiveness of Public Policy: A Case Study of Enugu State Agricultural Development Programme (ENADEP), 2010 - 2018
Prof. Edmund Amaechi Egboh Ayogu Brendan Benneth

In the Nigeria public service, evidence abound that most policies failed to realize their purpose due to inappropriate implementation practices. In Enugu State Agricultural Development Programme (ENADEP), the story is the same. These policy implementation failures have been attributed to corruption, poor funding of projects, unwillingness of some political office holders to implement certain policies, political instability, etc. These policy failures have led to the frustration and disappointment of the citizens, especially the youths who resorted to self-help for survival. These self-help activities of these youths include ritual killings, robberies, youths' restiveness and other vices that destroy society. Various efforts of governments to stem these negative trends have failed, hence this research effort. We applied the institutional approach to the study to find out the procedures, rules, structures and relationships that informed policy making and policy implementation. We applied the documentary research as well as interview research design. Research revealed that some ENADEP officials and farmers devised strategies of diverting project funds, etc. The ENADP officials who were supposed to assist farmers to access loans denied some of them their services leading to project failures. We recommend insurance cover for farmers. The ENADEP officials should be held responsible for any policy failure. A professional should replace the Governor as Chairman of Agricultural Development Executive Council to make for Professionalism and success.