International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 6-9
Mapping Teachers Ability in Development Social Participation Skill of Elementary School Students in Jember
Fajar Surya Hutama, Zetti Finali, Suhartiningsih, Chumi Zahroul Fitriyah, Muhtadi Irvan

Primary school is formal education for children aged 7-12 years and one of the people who has the most important role in the implementation of education in elementary school is the teacher. Schools must be able to develop various aspects of competence such as social participation skills. Mapping the teacher's ability to develop students 'social participation skills is needed to see the extent to which primary school teachers teach and pay attention to the students' social participation. In this study using descriptive qualitative research with a sample of two primary schools in the village and two primary schools in the city. Methods of data collection using interviews, observations, and questionnaires given to 4 elementary schools namely Karangrejo SDN 01 and 02, and SDN Sidomulyo 03 and 05. From the research conducted constraints experienced by teachers are teaching materials that are limited and less emphasize aspects of students' social skills. 40% of teachers also do not understand the intent of social skills and indicators of social skills in elementary schools.