International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 94-98
Public Opinion Analysis of Regional Election of Surabaya in Era of COVID-19 Pandemic
Horidah, Najma Zahira, Noel Pradipta, Suci Sukmajaya Rizky, Nur Chamidah

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the life of the social order of mankind, it is not only affecting the health aspect, but also penetrates social, economic, and government life, forcing us to create new norms and norms (updating habits, behavior, and various rules). On September 23rd, 2020, Indonesia plans to hold Regional Elections, but because the COVID-19 pandemic Indonesia delaying the implementation to December 9th, 2020. Some people are pro with the continued implementation of Regional Election as a form of democracy, yet not a few people are worried because the current pandemic is global with a high level of virus spread. The people of Surabaya are one of these groups of people. Surabaya is the city with the most cases in East Java with a moderate risk of spreading. The analysis is carried out using data results of the survey through the online platform with the people of Surabaya as the population and gained about 200 more samples of respondents. Using the statistical Chi-square Test, it was concluded there are no relations with gender or age for the opinion of Surabaya's people about holding Regional Election during the COVID-19 pandemic era and the knowledge of Surabaya community about the health protocols that must be applied when implementing the 2020 Regional Election in Surabaya. But there are relations with age for the knowledge of Surabaya community about the holding of regional head elections on December 9, 2020 and the opinion of Surabaya community about regional election will increase the number of COVID-19 cases in Surabaya. And it can be concluded also that the people of Surabaya aged 17 to 25 years know better when regional elections will be held and also think that regional elections will increase COVID-19 cases.