International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 130-135
Enhancing Production Line Performance Using Simulation: A Case Study
Trez Mikhaiel, Mohamed Abushahba,Nourhan Ismail, and Sally Kassem

This paper studies the performance of a current production line at an automotive production facility. The concerned problem relates to the car seats production line. Management in the production facility are interested in increasing the productivity of the car seats production line. The current performance of the production line is well studied and represented using a discrete event simulation model. Then, recommendations to enhance the production line performance are suggested. Performance enhancement is measured in terms of processing time, waiting time, and production rate. The recommended courses of actions are evaluated through simulating the production line system before and after implementing the recommendations. Simulation results show that the suggested recommendations enhance the performance of the car seat production line.