0.05 (0.33)and MPV p >0.05 (0.32) between Hookah and non-Hookah smokers. There was a significant correlation between platelets count and duration of Hookah smoking p<0.05 (0.006), also there was a significant association between Hookah smoking and wound healing p<0.05(0.006) Conclusions: There was a significant increase in the platelets count and PCT among Hookah smokers than non-Hookah smokers." >
International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 9-12
Effects of Hookah (Water Pipe) Smoking on Platelets Count and Platelets Parameters in Khartoum State-Sudan
Hawa Hafiz Gubara and Nisreen Osman Mohammed

Background: This study aimed to investigate the effect of Hookah smoking on platelets count and platelet indices. Hookah smoking is becoming highly prevalent and is a predominant mode of tobacco use particularly among the young people; Hookah smoking carries high risk for human life lead to dangerous disease like formation of thrombi which eventually can cause heart and arteries disease. Materials and Methods: Fifty Hookah smokers and 50 non-Hookah smokers were enrolled in this study in Khartoum state â€"Sudan. Blood samples were taken, and analyzed for platelets count and indices using Convergys(r) X3 automated hematology analyzer. Data obtained were analyzed using student t test, Pearson correlation and chi square test. Results: Hookah smokers were found to be younger than non- Hookah smokers p< 0.05(0.00), platelets count and PCT were significantly increased among Hookah smokers p<0.05 (0.005 and 0.000) respectively, there was insignificant difference in the mean of PDWs p >0.05 (0.33)and MPV p >0.05 (0.32) between Hookah and non-Hookah smokers. There was a significant correlation between platelets count and duration of Hookah smoking p<0.05 (0.006), also there was a significant association between Hookah smoking and wound healing p<0.05(0.006) Conclusions: There was a significant increase in the platelets count and PCT among Hookah smokers than non-Hookah smokers.