International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 160-163
The Essence, Significance and Legal System of the Legal Aspects of the Contract of Trust Management of Property
Akmal Akramov

In this research work, the concept of trust management of property, its basic principles, the role and importance of the norms of legislation in the field of trust management of property in the conduct of entrepreneurial activity are studied. At the same time, legislation in the field of business law and civil law norms related to trust management of property were analyzed. Legislative acts and the associated law-enforcement practice of some foreign countries in the field of trust management of property in conducting entrepreneurial activities were thoroughly studied, and proposals were developed for further improving national legislation in this area. The issues of introducing the institution of trust management in the law of inheritance, the distribution of the property of the deceased by inheritance and on a legal basis, proposals for amendments and additions to the relevant legislation, as well as its practical application are also discussed.