International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 4-6
Online Education in Uzbekistan and In the World during the Pandemic of Covid 19
ShamsiddinRaisov, AzizaKhasanova

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, so do the risks we face. The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped at national borders. It has affected people regardless of nationality, level of education, income or gender. But the same has not been true for its consequences, whichhited the most vulnerable hardest. Education is no exception. Students from privileged backgrounds, supported by their parents and eager and able to learn, could find their way past closed school doors to alternative learning opportunities. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds often remained shut out when their schools shut down. This crisis has exposed the many inadequacies and inequitiesin our education systems - from access to the broadband and computers needed for online education, and the supportive environments needed to focus on learning, up to the misalignment between resources and needs.