International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 51-54
Self-Projection in the Narrative Narration as Seen by the Theory of Analysis and Upgrading
Saad Abdul Zahra Al - Saadi , Iraq

The research came at its beginning, defining the self as a concept in a new formula based on the philosophy of reality, although it stems from the concepts of psychology, and from this definition the researcher entered into an analysis of the visions and reflections that the writer of the novel carries on his narrative writings with a professional characteristic of his actual work in life or depth his general studies within the field that he liked the most, as a projection that has a direct relationship and intended with consciousness and the unconscious at the same time, and we found how the poet more than the poems in his novel, and the lawyer mentioned the crime, and the doctor tended to be the hero of his novel, perhaps from the same specialty, and so on. The research revealed that expressing the self, or passing through it more will withdraw it from a point where it does not feel to secondary details in the narrative narration that may not mean the recipient with anything, or confuse the message that he wants to deliver it to the recipient easily, thus losing that message or in the sense of the novel many cases of pleasure desired by the recipient, or the moments of anticipation and astonishment that awaits him.