International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 48-55
Audit Attendance Information System at Network Access Provider Using COBIT 5 Framework
Kevin Christianto, Deny, Rania Novita, Eric Jonatan, Junius Hartanto

Network Access Provider (NAP) is a company founded in 2005. This company also has 2 other sister companies, namely PT. IGI, and PT. ID. The main focus in this research is PT. MA, the company is currently implementing an Android application-based attendance system, which is divided into 4 terms, employee absences, employee absent data collection one day before inputting salary according to employee data provided, overtime absences and business trip absences .This research will focus on the overtime absence system in the form of an android application and website. The purpose of the absent system audit is to find out the company's absent overtime system process that is currently in a trial period, using the COBIT standard. This research starts from conducting a literature study to support research, and then states the process domain and process as the scope of research. In conducting data collection and observation, this research uses survey and interview methods to the relevant informants and confirms documents. The final stage of this research is the submission of a report given to the company. The domains chosen in this study is Build, Acquire and Implement (BAI). The results show the Capability Level in the BAI03 process domain at the 2.75 level, while the desired Capability Level in the process domain is level 4. Then in the second process domain BAI07 is at level 2, while the desired Level of Ability in the process domain is level 4. After knowing the current ability level, then recommendations are made. Recommendations are given such as the formation of special units that determine information solutions, create management and related documents design improvements.