International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 118-122
Assessment of the Radionuclide and Chemical Composition of Natural Waters in the Area Affected By a Uranium Technogenic Object
Muzafarov Amrullo Mustafoevich. Kulmatov Rashid Anvarovich. Urunov Isoqul .Oblokulovich

This article presents the results of assessing the radionuclide and chemical composition of natural waters. There are numerous chemical, physical, physicochemical and nuclear-physical methods for analyzing the radionuclide and chemical composition of natural waters in the area affected by a uranium technogenic object. In natural waters, the following are determined - radiation indicators - total specific alpha and beta activity, radionuclide composition - uranium decay chains - U238, U234, Th230, Ra226, Rn222, Bi214, Pb214, Po210, etc., dry residue, pH values, anions - Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, ??32-, HCO3-, SO42-,and their sum, cations - Ca+, Mg+, Na++K+, Fe3+, NH4 and their sum and concentration of some metals - Mn, Pb, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Ni.