International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 137-139
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Teflon and Polystyrene
Umarova Ogiloy Kubayevna. Ulugbek Abdirakhmonov Shavkat ogli.

We observed that in an amorphous substance containing protons (Teflon, polystyrene), the energy of the high-frequency field is absorbed due to such transitions. In this case, there are two levels, the distance between which, in accordance with the formula h?=2µH, corresponds to a frequency ?, approximately equal to 20 MHz, at our value of the magnetic field. Although at room temperature h?/kT˜?10?^(-5), the difference in the populations of these two levels is very small, the number of nuclei participating in this process is so large that a measurable effect can be expected at thermal equilibrium.