International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 47-58
Impacts of Internally Generated Revenue on Learning Aids and Equipment's in Selected Public University in Southwest Nigeria
Ajayi, Samuel Oluwatobi and Sheriff, Oyesanya

The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of internally generated revenue (IGR) on instructional aids and equipment at a few public universities in southwest Nigeria. The specific objectives include determining the most common sources of internally generated revenue in selected public universities in the southwest, assessing the relationship between IGR and learning aids/equipment in selected public universities in the southwest, examining the positive impact of IGR on learning aids and equipment in selected public universities in the southwest, and recommending possible ways to improve IGR in selected public universities in the southwest. The research design for this study was descriptive' expost facto. This study focused on public universities in southwest Nigeria. This study's instrument was derived from secondary data. Descriptive statistics, as well as correlation and regression analysis, were used to examine the data. The findings of the hypotheses show that there is a significant difference in common sources of internally generated revenue in selected public universities in the southwest, that there is a significant relationship between IGR and learning aids/equipment in selected public universities in the southwest, and that there is a significant difference in the positive impact of IGR and learning aids and equipment in selected public universities in the southwest. The existing approaches to IGR drive by universities can be improved, according to this research. The conclusions of this research are consistent with the assumptions of the African political economy model and the resource dependence theory discussed in the literature review. Universities will not only need to increase IGR, but they will also need to ensure that the funds they earn are transparent and used wisely.