International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 82-89
Exploring Unfair Labour Practices in a Workplace
Amaje, James Ojonile and Nwankwo, Sinclair Izuakulom

Unfair labour practices in a workplace are witnessed both in private and public sectors of every economy. The paper discussed unfair labour practices in a workplace. The methodology for this paper was based on qualitative content and documentary analysis of relevant literature on unfair labour practices in a workplace. This included desktop and internet sourced secondary data with the use of descriptive research design. The paper found out that unfair labour practices include but not limited to refusal of employees to form or Join Union by employers, delayed retirement, refusal to issue letter of employment by the employer to the employee upon employment, workplace bullying and harassment, employers evading employee's compensation, casualization of workers, poor labour wages and delay in payment of salaries and wages, and denial of or delay in employee promotion and advancement. The paper concluded that unfair labour practices are the acts and activities of both the employer and employee in a workplace but the majority is from an employer against the employee. The recommendations of the paper in handling unfair labour practice was according to International Labour Organisation (ILO), which included amendment of labour laws and bringing them up to the standard of global best practices on labour and industrial relations.