International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 154-161
The Significance of the Wana Kertih Ritual in Preserving the Environment of Ubung Village - Lombok Tengah
I Ketut Nuasa; I Nyoman Sueca

This study discusses the ritual of Wana Kertih and its significance in preserving the ecosystem of the Ubung village, District of Jonggat, Central Lombok. The data in this study were collected through observation, documentary, and interviewing the local Hindu leaders. The analysis was done qualitatively, namely by describing the problems using the theory of religi and functional structural. It suggests that the local Hindus have been the pioneers in preserving the ecosystem of the local forest as they implement the teaching from the ritual. The procession itself consists of: (1) Atur Piuning (calling the God) and Nuwur Tirta (carrying the holy water) before starting the main ceremony called Tawur Agung; (2) Mapada, which is the rite of animal sacrifice; (3) offering prayer at Mount Rinjani and Mount Pengsong, (4) Mapaselang, which symbolizes the meeting between the God and the people; (5) mapakelem, which is sacrificing animals, and (6) planting trees. The ritual has: (a) ecological significance, which reflects men's awareness about the importance of preserving the natural environment; (b) religious significance, which suggests men's faith to God for endowing peace and prosperity, and: (c) social significance, which suggests togetherness and social solidarity. For these all, the ritual needs to be maintained.