International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 7-18
Assessment Profile of Some Grade 6 Elementary School Teachers during the Covid 19 Pandemic in Jokarto Village, Tempeh Subdistrict Lumajang Regency
Siti Jannatul Maharani, Chumi Zahroul Fitriyah, Dyah Ayu Puspitaningrum

This study aims to determine the level of understanding of elementary school teachers 6 during the Covid 19 pandemic in Jokarto Village, Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency on the assessment, to want to know the implementation of the elementary teacher assessment class 6 during the Covid 19 pandemic in Jokarto Village, Tempeh District, District Lumajang, and also want to know the development of the assessment implementation This was done by a grade 6 elementary school teacher during the Covid 19 pandemic in Jokarto Village Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency. The research method used in this research is (1) Questionnaire/Questionnaire Method; (2) Observation Method; (3) Method Interview; and (4) Documentation method. Based on the results of the research that carried out shows that the understanding of the assessment of Grade 6 elementary school teachers at the time Covid 19 pandemic in Jokarto Village, Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency of 62.12%, 36.36% have implemented assessment according to BSNP, and 90.91% respondents has developed an assessment.