International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 59-62
Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis Of Spina Bifida
I.Alilou; M. Mahmoud; K. Saoud; N. Mamouni; S. Errarhay; C. Bouchikhi; A. Banani.

Spina bifida or spinal dysraphism is a neural tube closure anomaly that affects 1/1500 of the population, a congenital malformation that occurs during the first four weeks of embryogenesis. Ultrasound is of great interest in this pathology, allowing most often an antenatal diagnosis, this diagnosis is based on the search for direct signs of this pathology often oriented by the visualization of certain indirect signs that constitute alarm signs. The management of this disease is primarily based on the search for other associated malformations, allowing to establish a prognosis and to propose an adapted management. In this work we are interested in the antenatal ultrasound diagnosis of this pathology.