International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 93-100
Ethiopian Ethics or "?ine migibari" "?biro menori,"(Living with others) as Ethiopian Ethics
Teshome Abera Tessema (Ph.D),

Ethiopian ethics observe a network of interdependence and relationships that are naturally given to stimulate, sustain and nurture life. Indigenous morality is one of a critical study relevant for Ethiopians to build strong relationships among citizens. Ethics in Amharic the national language of the country the equivalent word is "?ine migibari". There are virtues of approaches to deal with in studying Ethiopians Ethical life. Ethiopian ethics can be classified in the first place, into environmental ethics, conflict resolution, religious ethics, and natural resource utilization. The Majority of people in Ethiopia are religious. The Ethiopians ethics are driven from scriptures mainly the Bible and Quran. Hence, in Ethiopian Ethics there is a deep relationship between religion and morality. However, there are ethical values that the society developed from daily interaction with nature and the human-built environment. The word "?biro menori" typically represent living with others. Living with others refers to living with another human being and nature. The word "?biro menori" (living wth others) in the national language are found in a different term in other indigenous languages. The "?biro menori" principle is the central themes in both classifications of ethics in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian ethical values are also found in traditional indigenous religions. The indigenous political structure in the past was also the source of moral life in some parts Ethiopian society like the "Geddaa" system. Like the other African moral life sebi'?w?neti('humanity) and wenidimamachineti(brotherhood) govern the Ethiopian ethics. The concept "?biro menori" (living together) make the Ethiopian people for intermarriage between different language speaking groups in the country. It makes the different religion to live with tolerance. It is this unifying factor in Ethiopia that make the people live together in the absence of central government in a time of internal chaos in history. The principle of hager wodadinet(Patriotism) is the other best ethical virtues, principles in Ethiopia, which contributed the people victorious over the giant imperial power repeatedly and keeps their independence. From the individual perspective, it is polemical, not to discuss Zara Yacob ethics in "Hatata". The ethical views in Zara Yacob "Hatata" are based on the classification of laws into two "the Law of God" and "The laws of Man". The ethical principles have also been dedicated to "The principle of harmony", "Respecting living by the fruit of work", "Gender equality". According to the philosopher "The light of reason in our heart" is authoritative for measuring all the ethical principles.