International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 41-50
Analysis of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Waste Processing Capacity
Toshpulatov D.D., Khojiev Sh.T., Berdiyarov B.T.

Numerous non-ferrous metallurgy wastes are known (dumps, slags, sludge, dust, clinker, etc.), which, from an economic as well as an environmental point of view, are beneficial and must be disposed of. This book provides an analysis of known methods and proposes new solutions for the autonomous and joint processing of zinc production cake and molybdenum cake of the leaching plant of OJSC Almalyk MMC, which are technogenic deposits of unique polymetallic raw materials, which are practically not used to date. The relevance and novelty of the problem of processing such deposits in the steady growth of their volumes and the lack of effective processing technology. These deposits differ from natural mineral raw materials in that they are a product of technological processing and are composed of new mineralogical formations, more or less persistent and difficult to process. Operating enterprises and technologies often turn out to be unsuitable for waste processing and require reconstruction, modernization or re-equipment based on new progressive technological solutions. The solutions proposed by the authors make it possible to selectively extract copper, zinc, iron, gold and silver from the specified raw materials and define the technology as environmental protection and diversification.