International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 55-61
Research of The Reduction of Oxidized Copper and Iron Compounds with Local Reducing Agents
Khojiev Sh.T., Berdiyarov B.T., Toshpulatov D.D., Kholturaeva N.R.

The article examines the thermodynamic possibilities of the process of obtaining a pure metal by treating oxidized copper compounds with a liquid organic substance. The object of the study was copper (II) oxide and ethyl alcohol, on which the physicochemical changes occurring in the redox reactions between them were analyzed. The laws of the relationship between temperature and Gibbs energy and the equilibrium constants of a chemical reaction in a reaction system are defined and described in the form of various graphs in order to more clearly explain the essence of the process. The optimal conditions for the normal course of the process have been determined. Recommendations are given for the use of nanoparticles containing pure copper powder obtained as a result of the reaction.