International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 13-17
Detection of Infectious Agents Causing Appendicitis using some Conventional and Special Histochemical Stains, Sudan
Dr. AbdALrheem Ali Babeker, Dr. ALbadwe Abd Albagee Talha., Sabah Altriefee Mohammed Alkhider

Appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdomen in young adolescents and cause by variety of infectious agent including bacteria, virus, parasite and fungi ,and appendectomy is often the first major procedure performed by a surgeon1 . This is cross sectional laboratory based study conducted in Omdurman Teaching Hospital during the period from 2018 to 2019. The study aimed to detect the infectious agents causing appendicitis in appendix tissue samples .Fifty samples were randomly collected after appendectomy, their ages ranged between 1-80 years , with mean age (32.6 ) , 11-20 years was the most frequent age group. section were prepared and stained using four different stains , Gram stain for demonstration of bacteria, Macchiavellos stain for demonstration of viral inclusions ,periodic acid schiffs (PAS) for demonstration of fungi, Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for general morphology and demonstration of parasite , Data was analyzed using SPSS computer program. Histopathologically ,43(86%) of the cases were diagnosed as acute appendicitis, 7(14%) as chronic appendicitis .15 (30%) of cases shows presence of bacteria . Intranuclear inclusion (viral infection) were seen in 13 (26%) of cases. and no fungal and parasitic infection were noticed. The study concluded that bacterial and viral infection associated with appendicitis particularly the acute form .The study recommended using some Conventional and Special Histopathological stain for detection of the infectious agent causing appendicitis . and using larger sample size to identify the infectious agent causing appendicitis.