International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 1-1
Study on Applications of (RFID) on Tracking Students Movement
Sara Saeed Bin Orwa, Mohammed Hisham Albahri, Ashraf Alzubir Mohammad Ali

This paper tackles the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and its Application in various fields, such as to monitor drop-off/pick up of school children to enhance the safety of children during the daily transportation from home to school and vice versa. The problem of the study lies in challenges that face the society in delaying of obtaining information, which is represented in the children facing dangers by criminals or by bad companions or even by the children themselves represented by neglecting and lacking awareness of the risks of not attending school. The paper aimed to uncover the optimum means of solving the mentioned problem and to develop an electronic system to raise the efficiency of the educational system in schools. The paper concluded to a number of results top of which are: As the relevance and importance of security, surveillance and monitoring is continuously increasing, the importance of RFID based technology is increasing parallel. Henceforth, this study comes as a contribution to reducing cases of abductions by suggesting the RFID slide system in the student's tracking, which will be reviewed in detail below.