International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 62-64
Values - is the history of the nation
G'afforov Ya.X.

National values, their condition, the fate of the future is one of the problems that people have always been interested in. Unfortunately, in the past, this issue was not given enough attention by our society. Now, democracy, the disclosure process of the current multi-ethnic national perception and understanding of the values, problems accumulated in these areas require new thinking on the basis of deep theoretical matter. National values ??are diverse, and national culture is central to them. All nations have made a valuable contribution to the development of world culture, but the peoples of the East, including Central Asia, have made a significant contribution . History and culture of the peoples of the East ilk to look at the legal, artistic, historical, philosophical and political thought about the nature of their content and valuable archaeological material and ancient works of modern authors, expressed in a wide range of sources, folk art samples. The first philosophical ideas appeared in Babylon, one of the most ancient countries of the East, in the early fourth millennium BC. Then there is to give people a wide range of event and process the bond and interest, though, superficially simple, primitive form, but only reflecting vision began to show.