International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 116-117
The Concept Of "Creative", Its Importance In Education
Akhmedov Muhammadjon Mamadalievich, Khojikarimova Gulasal Tadjialievna, Safarova Gulorahon Mahammadievna

More recently, creativity in pedagogical theory and practice, creativityeducational expressions are widely used. The word "creative" comes from the Latin "Creato" derived from the word, which means creativity, creativityindicates In a broader sense, the word "Creato" means creative thinking, technical design, creativity, learningin the process, concepts such as responsibility, creativity. Teaching creativity and creative methods is creativeis called pedagogy.