International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 121-125
Main Facts On Indian Jewelry
Sayyora Abdukadirovna Rahimova

This article provides general and historical information on the art of jewelry, as well as a broad understanding of the classification and properties of precious stones and metals used in jewelry. In addition, as the article deals with the art of Indian jewelry, the peculiarities of this art, the use of jewelry in Indian sculpture, its history, the peculiar disadvantages of gold in India from ancient times to the present, also the gold problems associated with it are highlighted based on historical sources. There is also talk of Hinduism's respect for gold by Hindus religion. The idea of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, also put forward. For people, gold, a symbol of wealth and power, considered as "pure" because of its innocence, even after hundreds of years of use. In this important article, mainly stated that in any important Indian ritual, believers should, adorn themselves with gold jewelry. The article also discusses Indian mythology and how human attitudes toward the metal reflected in oral and written folklore. What is interesting about some of the details is how they reflect the design of the jewelry. At the same time, this article provides some interesting information about how jewelry design is shaped.