International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 128-141
Reasons Of University Student Academic Stumbling Case Study: Faculty Of Economic And Administration Science-Sinnar University - Sudan
Dr. Khansa Omer Edrees Ahmed

The aim of this study to know the causes of academic failure of university students in Sinnar University as them-selves know it. The study sample consisted of 73 students male and females in final year as samples. The researcher used descriptive syllabus as a tool for collected analyzed data , so he uses SPSS ( Statistic Package for the Social Sciences) program. The researcher has reached results , there are the most important factors lead to the Academic failure in Academic scores: represents in: Social Economic factors as: (Family roughness and delicate treatments towards their kids- there are not suitable lighting and atmosphere in them). Factors studies (limited in using appropriate teaching methods by doctors , difficulties in some of syllabuses, no consideration for individual differences between students) . The last is individual causes like (frightened from exams - lack of motivation enrolled in section without his or her desire, Sudan Certificate percentages has great influence in this failure in university stage). so there is a relationship between failure of students and kind of section ,if it in Art or Science . The study recommended to interact the Academic supervision and prepares meetings and workshops for students to choose the right section.