International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 199-203
Similarity Semantic Features Of Color Names In English And Uzbek Languages
Qodirova Nigina Umarali qizi,

In modern grammar noted continuing interest in the study of various phenomena of language with functional positions when the linguistic analysis performed within the field approach. Each field includes a type system, types and variants of a certain semantic category correlated with a variety of formal means of expression. Moreover, in science scholars are tend to omit their ancient historical cultural experience in color naming and phenomena that surround a person. The color image of the world also requires a comprehensive study. It takes a considerable place in human consciousness. Therefore, it is not surprising that human beings study this phenomenon. This view can also be attributed to the study of colors in linguistics. Linguists refer color terms to the main lexical group. When studying languages, several linguists, ethnolinguists, and researchers of language history assume that there are some universal similarities in color terms.