International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 204-205
The importance of terminology in today's society
Saydaliyeva Muattarxon Qahramonjon qizi

Theoretical bases of Uzbek terminology, definition of its content, system of terms or phrases expressing special scientific and technical meanings of terminology in students, its presence in the vocabulary of a certain literary language, being an integral part of vocabulary, vocabulary with terms formation of knowledge and skills about the differences between, the role of intralinguistic and extra linguistic factors in the formation of terms, structural-grammatical structures of terms, ways of formation, lexical-semantic processes in the structure of terms, regulation, coordination of terms, terminological research, providing information on terminological dictionaries is one of the important tasks of science. This article discusses the role of terminology in today's society, the history of the development of Uzbek terminology and its international significance.