International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 1-5
A Week Trial Of Punarnava Kashaya In Amavata- A Case Study
Dr. Monakee H.Patel, Dr. Mrityunjay Sharma

INTRODUCTION - Amavata is among the dreadful diseases. This is an attempt to introduce Ayurveda based medicine Punarnava Kashaya in Amavata which is described in the Ayurveda text of Chakradatta. The effects of Punarnava Kashaya are visible in Amavata. AIM- To Evaluate the effects of Punarnava Kashaya in Amavata w.s.r. Sandhishoola and Sandhishotha for a week. OBJECTIVE- To study the importance of Punarnava Kashaya in Amavata. MATERIAL AND METHOD- A patient suffering from Aamvata with signs and symptoms of ubhay manibandha sandhishoola, shotha, avum sparshaasahatva, ubhay jaanusandhishoola, shotha avum sparshaasahtva, sharira gaurava, kshudha-haani, Jadya was advised Punaranava Kashaya for a week with instruction of Pathya-Apathya in Amavata. Patient's signs and symptoms before and after treatment were noted. RESULT- There was significant reduction in pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. Thus, Punarnava Kashaya helps in relieving the signs and symptoms of Amavata. CONCLUSION- Punarnava Kashaya has vast effect on Amavata as it improves and stimulates Agni leading to the Pachana of Ama that has been virtually deposited over vital body parts especially, Sandhisthana.