International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 37-40
Outdoor classroom
Igor Vitrih

The article is related to the idea of ??making an outdoor classroom. The classroom is supposed to serve elementary school students, to conduct outdoor lessons. It would be set up as part of the school eco-garden. In this way, students would be more in genuine contact with nature, even during the lessons. Classes would be held in all classes and in all subjects, of course, depending on the learning content and other conditions, such as time and weather. Many teaching aids and examples in the classroom could be taken from nature in the outdoor classroom. Thus, through learning processes, students would establish appropriate contact with nature, which is lacking among students today. The article talks about how we worked with the students to design the idea of ??making an outdoor classroom, what we had to pay attention to when designing the idea and who we had to connect with external collaborators to finally realize the plan of the outdoor classroom. , which in reality will soon come to life.