International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 43-46
The Erotic Language In The Regenerative Poem. A Brief Reading Based On the Critical Analysis and Upgrading Theory
Saad A. Al - Saadi , Iraq

This brief research paper reveals the erotic language in which many poets write today who consider themselves among the regenerative poets, but they missed the pleasure of receiving many readers unintentionally from them for sure, because according to their convictions as we see that this is the poetry of the stage, and with what they receive from comments and likes on social networking sites they post more than other means, but that does not excuse them that what they wrote is only the best. The research also revealed, after following up on many of these poetic models and working on them analytically, the extent of the lack of descriptive language for women as if it is a tempting commodity to display, or a means to satisfy a biological need with what this poem describes while it is exposed to sensitive areas of the female body. One of the important reasons for the conversion of some poets to writing novels came as a result of the recipient's distraction from what he sees of the poetry dispersed by poets whose direction seems to be devoid of surprising meanings and aesthetic images as a result of what those poems were written with in terms of the language of its constructive movement or in which the poet strives for distinction.