International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 15-20
The history of Qang state
Asxat Biykuziev

From ancient times the Sak tribes lived on the banks of the Syrdarya and adjacent settlements. A study of settlements belonging to the Qang period was conducted in 1887 and 1893 by N.P. Ostroumov, A.M. Fetisov and G. Made by geckos. In particular, G. Geikel began to find and study the tombs of Karbus, Koyon-Tokoy, Djoon-Tobe, Chik-Tie and others. The period of unification of the Saks into a tribal alliance, according to new data, is mil.avv. It dates back to the IX-VIII centuries. The process of property stratification among the ancient Saks dates back to BC. It began to grow in the VII-VI centuries. This is evidenced by the Tasmalin culture. In martial arts, the Sak cavalry were perfectly armed for their time. It is known that From the 6th century onwards, they formed tribal alliances and defended their borders from other peoples. The social structure of these tribes was formed mainly in accordance with the laws of patriarchal tribal customs. Horse breeding played an important role in their socio-economic life. This field has been developing in the Central Asian region since the Bronze Age .