International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 115-117
The Issue Of The "Great Game" Policy In The Geopolitical Interpretation
Ozodbek Radjabov

Geopolitics studies the processes related to the geographical location of certain regions and countries, their borders, natural resources, their place in world politics and their geopolitical opportunities and prospects. The most important road in Eurasia, which connects the West with the East and the South with the North, is part of the Great Silk Road in Uzbekistan; The country has strategic resources - oil, gas, gold, uranium and many other underground and surface resources, the state has a favorable natural climate, plays a significant role in the historical development and civilization of mankind. This article analyzes the question of whether any research on regional security should be taken from a geopolitical point of view, the region's location between different geopolitical forces and centers, and H. McKinder's interpretation of the geopolitical process of the "Great Game" in the XIX century.