International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 42-48
Design of Path Tracking System on Smart Wheelchair
Achmad Hidayatno, Sumardi, Aghus Sofwan, M Hilal Bayu Aji, M. Arfan, Yosua Alvin Adi Soetrisno

Wheelchairs have developed with several additional functions, namely the use of DC motors as actuators. This wheelchair is controlled with a joystick so that it is easier to operate. Then the wheelchair can map its orientation and movement position. Mapping using a rotary encoder sensor, then drawn in two dimensions on a laptop. Wheelchairs still require manual steering control during movement. Therefore, the development carried out in this design is a wheelchair able to move automatically to a predetermined position and orientation, using the path tracking method. The calculation is based on the results of mapping the position and relative orientation. Calculations produce the distance and angle that a wheelchair must travel. Integral proportional control (PI) is used to keep the actual orientation angle's value close to the reference value. In the path tracking test, the wheelchair can approach the reference position in all tests. The most significant error is equal to 0.57 cm on the x-axis and 1.03 cm on the y-axis, namely in testing the reference position of (200.1105) cm from the position (0.1105) cm