International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 35-37
Cystic Hygroma: Ultrasound Appearance In The 1st Trimester: Sonographic and Karyotypic Characteristics, Ultrasound Characteristics, and The Fate of The Pregnancy
Yassine El Baraka, Kamal aboulfath, Karam Saoud, Nissrine Mamouni, Sanaa Errarhay, Chahrazed Bouchikhi and Abdelaaziz Banani.

The ultrasound study of the fetal neck at the end of the first trimester allows us to establish a direct relationship between direct relationship between neck anomalies (cystic hygroma or cystic hygroma or nuchal hyperclarity and the existence of chromosomal anomalies [1,2]. Since the systematization of this ultrasound analysis, the antenatal diagnosis of cystic hygroma has become more frequent with a prevalence in the prevalence in the general population, in the first trimester of pregnancy from (one pregnancy out of 285). 0.35% (one pregnancy out of 285) to 0.75% (one pregnancy out of 133). reporting the case of a cystic hygroma diagnosed at 19 weeks of amenorrhea