International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 126-132
Toxoplasmosis among Iraqi Women during 2006-2020: A Review
Nadham K. Mahdi

The prevalence history for toxoplasmosis among Iraqi females is reviewed from 2006-2020. The distribution of the disease is mentioned in different communities including unmarried, married unpregnant or pregnant women suffered from miscarriage and women or children with malignant disease. The prevalence rates are also illustrated in relation to age and residency. Toxoplasmosis is the most common infections in Iraq. Thus, Iraq is endemic for the disease. It is zoonotic disease and cat is the only definitive host where both the sexual and asexual cycle takes place in the small intestine. Transmission can occur by contact with stray cats, eating raw or under cocked meat, unclean green vegetables and unpasteurized milk. Transplacental route during pregnancy would lead to a serious pathological effects or even death of the fetus. Those effects would include hydrocephalus or microcephaly, chorioretinitis, tremor, paralysis, convulsion, intracranial calcificationand mental and physical growth retardation. The infected women may suffer from miscarriage and stillbirth. Immunocompromised women as well as girlpatients due to cancer or its chemotherapy would suffer from a severe effect of toxoplasmosis. The most common diagnostic tool is the application of serological tests as ELISA. Implantation of a national control program is essential to apply.