International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 34-41
(FTIR and XRD) Spectroscopy for Thin Film Multilayers Gum Arabic Doping with Aluminum Oxide by Sol Gal method
Fatima Kh. Sharif Hussain , Rawia AbdElgani , Al desogi Omer Hamed , Abdalsakhi. S. Mohammed

Syntheses Gum Arabic Made by (Sol Gal) Method and doping with Aluminum Oxide, and used XRD to study the crystal structure, and (FTIR) spectroscopy to measure the vibrational bonds. XRD get that molar crystallites with (Hexagonal- Primitive) crystal structure, and miller indices provided [at 25.873 (3 0 0), at 30.656 (0 1 1), at 35.688 (4 0 1) and at 48.604 (0 3 1)] .Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a versatile technique for the characterization of materials belonging to the Thin Film Gum Arabic Doping with Aluminum Oxide by Sol Gal method multilayers. Most important features of this method are non-destructive, real-time measurement and relatively easy to use. By FTIR measure the vibrational of following bonds in the molecule ( water O-H stretch, O-H stretch vibration of alcohol group, 1°, 2° amines, amides (N-H stretch ) alkenes (-C=C- stretch) ,(C-C stretch (in-ring)) and (C-N stretch) stretching for aliphatic amines)