International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 12-14
Modern Approaches To Teaching English
Ismoilova Mamlakat Qurbonovna, Nuftillayev Bekzod Ubaydillo o'g'li

The actual question today is what should be the lesson of a foreign language in modern conditions. The goals and content of education are changing, new means and technologies of education appear, but whatever reforms are implemented, the lesson remains the eternal and main form of education. This article mainly discusses the effectiveness of modern approaches as well as methods in educating English language thoroughly. Moreover, this article illustrates how to use new innovative technologies in teaching English. The author's purpose is to show the significant role of some up-to-date methods in teaching English intensively. The modern requirements for the foreign language proficiency in high school include the presence of foreign language communicative competence of future specialists. It is defined as a certain level of language proficiency, speech and social-cultural set of knowledge, skills and abilities that enable to vary acceptably and appropriately their communicative behavior in a communicative way depending on the functional predictors of foreign language communication and creates the basis for the qualified information and creative activities in various fields.