International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 86-91
A Critical Analysis Of Women Empowerment And Social Issues In Sindh: A Case Study
Abdul Rahim Chandio, Manzoor Ali

Development of a society is an impossible reality except the women participation and empowerment. The lower Sindh faces the tribal culture, poor women literacy, patriarchal society, and outdated customs which turn down the women empowerment. Despite of the hard circumstances she has emerged under her own and made progress of social advance with proud and dignity. In the all walk of life women have been uplifted and raised her status equal to men in the social, political, economic, domestic and educational institution of life in the developed societies around the world. But still problems are in the destiny of women in the every sphere of life that encompasses the parallel employment opportunities, equal health facilities, property right, and physical security. Henceforth, the notion of women empowerment is still a remote dream. The current study attempts to look into the reality and challenges of women empowerment in Sindh particularly district Kumbar Shahdadkot. The existing paper is based on an empirical analysis in which 280 respondents feedback was secured to interpret the women autonomy and development in the rural Sindh and the recommendations can be urged to reinterpret study via applying the participatory observation research to collect the facts from the female gender regarding their discrimination in education and social status.