International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 195-207
Design Of Data Acquisition And Environmental Parameter Monitoring System For Smart Greenhouse
Aghus Sofwan, Sumardi, Hanif Ruhul Jihad, Achmad Hidayatno, Imam Santoso, Karnoto, Agung Nugroho

Indonesia is the largest agricultural country in the world. The agriculture potential is tremendous because Indonesia can produce various types of plants. This causes the addition of farming methods developed to produce optimal products. One method that is widely used is a greenhouse. Greenhouse can be defined as buildings that function to manipulate the environment to create the desired environment following the needs of the plants in it. But for now, general arrangements in the greenhouse still use the manual method such as room temperature measurements using a thermometer, air humidity measurements using a hygrometer, and soil moisture and soil pH measurements using a soil pH meter. Therefore we need to develop a greenhouse to maintain environmental conditions without having to use human assistance directly. This integrated system that we designed is what we call a smart greenhouse. We design a data acquisition system and environmental parameter monitoring system in this smart greenhouse. The system provides filtering with EWMA. Furthermore, as a result, we were able to make a designed air temperature reading with an average error of 0.48. Air humidity reading with an average error of 5.33. Soil moisture parameters with an accuracy of 91.66 percent. The wi-fi module ESP-32S successfully sends data to the Thingspeak website server with a delay of 30 seconds.