International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 30-45
Impact Of Human Resource Management On Organizational Performance Within Queens College Kality Campus
Derese simegnew alehegn

human resource was found that out of the four queens colleges only one had a department dedicated to human resource functions and activities. As such it is recommended for rural queens colleges to dedicate a department to the proper management of their human resources and employ the services of an human resource expert to plan, implement and manage these human resource functions. From all indications, the implementation and the management of human resources by non-human resource experts has damaging implications. It was found out that human resource functions like recruitment and selection were left in the hands of directors and general managers and this opens the recruitment and selection processes up to nepotism, cronyism and favouritism. Starting with recruitment and selection, it is recommended that people human resource expertise with the help of line managers are made to carry out these activities so that people with the appropriate skills, attitudes and knowledge are hired. This will ensure professionalism and institutionalism in the activities of rural queensâ€(tm) colleges. This research revealed that the „wholesale‟ nature of training and development programs of rural queens colleges do not permit the full realization of the benefits of the practice. It is therefore recommended that there should be coherent and strategic training and development that is planned to match both individual and organizational interests. To ensure that training needs identified is realistic and useful, the needs should be discussed with employees. „wholesale‟ training programs do not yield the desired results. Also, budgets for training and development should be solely dedicated to such purposes. To reap the full benefits of training and development programs, adequate monitoring and management of performances of employees should be instituted by management. Furthermore, the research revealed that there is an overwhelming support for pay for performance from both employees and managers. It is recommended that management should endeavor to link pay to performance. This type of compensation structure is known to ensure fairness, eliminate conflicts and tension and propel employees to higher performance.