International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 17-23
Moonlighting: An understanding from the Teachers' Point of View
Sammunkutty Sithy Hamila

A familiar feature of almost every labour market is that some workers are employed in more than one job simultaneously. Simultaneous employment in multiple jobs by an individual is termed as moonlighting. This study was conducted to establish an understanding of moonlighting from the teachers' point of view. The population of the study included the teachers who work in educational zones in Batticaloa district of SriLanka. A total of 110 respondents involved in this study. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were used to get information from the respondents. The quantitative techniques used to get information from the teachers by means of questionnaire whereas qualitative techniques were used to get information by means of interview. Data was analysed by both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings showed that the secondary job activities done by teachers are teaching in private tuition, petty trade, animal farming, part time driving, petty trade, crop cultivation. The study also reveals the motives of the teachers moonlighting behavior among them were increasing their income, broaden their work experience and reducing their boredom. The results of the study also reveal that teachers view that their involvement in multiple jobs does not affect their lesson preparation, syllabus coverage, and students' assessment, but it affects teachers' professional development. This understanding of prevalence of moonlighting from school teachers' point of view will be more useful for policy makers in preparing education related policies in SriLanka.